Setting up Emacs for Vue.js Development

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Setting up Emacs lsp-mode.

You just need to invoke M-x package-install then hit Enter then type lsp-mode.

Then add it to your emacs config:

(require 'lsp-mode)

Emacs lsp-mode support for Vue.js is built-in lsp-vetur.el. Whenever lsp-mode find a file that had vue extension, it will connect to vetur and provide everything for you.

Installing Vue Language Server.

lsp-mode as client relies on vetur for those functionalities to work. So we need to install it:

npm install -g vue-language-server

Setting up Vue-mode.

Ivan, the author of LSP-mode.
Ivan, the author of LSP-mode.

As the author, Ivan Yonchovski explains that lsp-mode still delegates some of the functionalities to language-specific projects such as syntax highlighting and indentations.

So to get those functionalities, we need vue-mode. Vue-mode switches the mode automatically for us on Vue.js single-file components. It will notifies you via mode-line such as vue[vue-html], vue[vue-CSS] and vue[Javascript].

Dynamic mode-line title in vue-mode
Dynamic mode-line title in vue-mode

You can install it using M-x package-install then hit Enter then type vue-mode. Then repeat the step for vue-html-mode if it is not installed automatically1.

Complete Config Example.

(use-package lsp-mode
  :commands lsp)

;; for completions
(use-package company-lsp
  :after lsp-mode
  :config (push 'company-lsp company-backends))

(use-package vue-mode
  :mode "\\.vue\\'"
  (add-hook 'vue-mode-hook #'lsp))

Take a look at aza-web and aza-lsp for complete config[^foo].

Troubleshooting. (Update)

There had been an issue in lsp-vetur formatting lately. It strangely delete any new word that I added. For the time being (until it got fixed in upstream) I disabled lsp-vetur formatting and rely on prettier-js-mode.

(use-package lsp-mode
  (lsp-vetur-format-default-formatter-css "none")
  (lsp-vetur-format-default-formatter-html "none")
  (lsp-vetur-format-default-formatter-js "none")
  (lsp-vetur-validation-template nil))

(use-package vue-mode
  :mode "\\.vue\\'"
  :hook (vue-mode . prettier-js-mode)
  (add-hook 'vue-mode-hook #'lsp)
  (setq prettier-js-args '("--parser vue")))



Some people having difficulties setting up vue-mode. Fortunately for me, it works out of the box. I am using: this vue-mode version or 20190415.231, mmm-mode-0.5.7, and GNU Emacs 26.1.


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