Read Number To List In Common Lisp

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    It took me more than one and half hours to figure out how to take the number from user input and make a list from it.

    If we pass the input such (1 2 3 4 5), The solution is would be trivial:

    (defun create-list (input)
      (list input)
      (format t "~a" input))

    The problem is that the HackerRank input looks like this: 1 2 3 4 5.

    After some search, I find this solution. Unfortunately, the input can not contain any white space. It must be 12345.

    (defun number-to-list (n)
      (loop for c across (write-to-string n) collect (digit-char-p c)))

    I continue to look for other solutions. None of them suits my needs. Even if they work fine in my machine, they will fail in HackerRank test cases. I suppose HackerRank website passes the input differently.

    This solution with slight modification works on my machine, but not in HackerRank test cases.

    (defun readarray (&rest args)
      (values (read-from-string
               (concatenate 'string "("
                            (apply #'read-line args)

    After spending so much time. I forget that HackerRank provides the related function at the beginning of the warm-up question. I look back and run the function. It works well, oh my bad.

    (defun read-list ()
      (let ((n (read *standard-input* nil)))
        (if (null n)
            (cons n (read-list)))))

    I am very glad because this is the first time I posted about practical things in programming.

    Happy hacking!